woman meditating

Spiritual Based 12 Step Approach:

The drug and alcohol addiction and abuse crisis is currently at an all-time high worldwide. The United States, in particular, is experiencing what has been labeled a “addiction crisis.”

We at Zion Medical Treatment Center are firm believers that one must undergo a metaphysical transformation in order to find true sobriety. We take a holistic and spiritual approach to healing and recovery. Addicts who already have a spiritual foundation, or who develop one through our method, may be sitting on a goldmine of untapped potential. The goal of a spiritually oriented recovery program is to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms of addiction, and so it is a very targeted and well-thought-out method of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Our program is faith-based because it relies on a higher power to help fill the vacuum and take away the desire for addictive behavior.

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This is the reason why spiritually-based rehabilitation is effective:

  • Our leaders, administrators, and staff are of the opinion that an individual has a tendency to resort to addictive behavior in order to fill the gap in his or her life that is caused by a lack of spirituality. In point of fact, this is the viewpoint that is held by the majority of other treatment facilities, including those that do not offer a faith-based program. Relapse prevention, aftercare, and support are virtually nonexistent in the vast majority of these organizations that do not have a spiritual or religious foundation. When this occurs, a relapse is almost certain to occur.
  • When someone is addicted to something, they are almost always trying to fill a hole in their life caused by a lack of personal convictions, spiritual connection, goals, aspirations, plans, desires, integrity, and love for life. This is true in nine out of 10 cases.
woman setting birds free
  • Our recovery program is faith based in nature through adding higher power into the individual’s life to fill the void and remove the need for addictive behavior.
  • Our 12 Step Spiritual based recovery program is needed and wanted now more than ever. In a study completed by Columbia University, it was found that eighty percent of Americans believe that faith is able to help addicted people recover from their addictions. This is logic at its best. Why wouldn’t faith help keep people sober? Faith helps people with lots of things all the time, and this is logical and makes sense to say the least.
  • The study also found that recovered individuals, (defined by most organizations and authorities as individuals who are sober for over two years), had greater levels of faith than those who fell into relapse after completing an addiction recovery program. Combining faith and recovery certainly is more successful and beneficial. Now more than ever those who struggle and suffer with addiction need to reach deep down inside and find their faith in God in order to recover completely.